
Python(Part.4)| python [Literals and types]

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  • To understand “literal”.
  • To understand “types”.

”Literals” and ”types” are the foundation of python. ”Literals” and ”types,” like ”operators,” are useful for understanding small changes in programs by knowing their roles and how to use them. They are important to keep in mind before learning about ”variables,” ”control structures,” ”classes,” ”file operations,” and so on.

Python Basics (Literals)

In the previous issue, we dealt with ”operators”. In this installment, we will learn about ”literals”. ”Literals” are unchangeable values used in programs.

Specifically, they are integers such as ”0” and ”23”, floating-point numbers such as ”56.0” and ”0.034,” strings such as ”abcdefg,” and python’s built-in constants such as “True” and “False”.

Literals are the values used for the operand in the previous study.

「Types of literals」

「Types of literals」

A ”literal” was an unchangeable value used in a program. These literals can be classified into several types. These can be broadly classified into ”numeric literals,” ”string literals,” ”built-in constants,” and ”other literals (lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets)”.

Numeric ”literals” can be further divided into ”integer literals” and ”floating-point literals”, and ”integer literals” into ”binary literals,” ”octal literals,” ”decimal literals,” and ”hexadecimal literals”.

Classification of classified literalsNotation
Integer literals (binary literals)
Binary numbers are prefixed with “0b”.
Available numbers are “0” and “1”.
Integer literals (octal literals)
Octal numbers begin with the prefix “0o”.
Available numbers are “0” to “7”.
Integer literals (decimal literals)1234567890
Available numbers are “0” to “9”.
Integer literals (hexadecimal literals)
Hexadecimal numbers start with “0x”.
Available numbers are “0” to “9” and a” to ”f”.
Floating point number literals123.45
Imaginary literal3.14j
String literalsString literal”abcdef”
Boolean literal (True)True
Boolean literal (False)False
Dictionary{key1:value1, key2:value2}

Unchangeable Value

The meaning of “unchangeable value” expressed in the “explanation of literal” is that for values marked “1”, the value does not change its appearance.

python basics (types)

Literals have a “type” that describes their kind. A “type” is also a classification of literals and defines how the literal is to be handled. For example, a literal that represents a number can perform arithmetic operations.

intInteger type (in python, the number of digits a PC can handle is available)
※In other programming languages, the number of digits is fixed.
floatFloating point number type
※In other languages, there are “double” and “float” floating-point types, but only “float” is available in python. “float” in python is equivalent to “double” in other languages.
complexcomplex type
A type of imaginary literals.
strString type
booleanboolean True/False
listlist type
tupletuple type
dictdictionary type
setset type

”Literal” and ”type” are inseparable.

Using Literals and Checking Types

From here, I would like to use the “Interactive Shell” to manipulate “literals” and confirm “types”. Start the “Interactive Shell” and enter the following

We use “binary literals,” “octal literals,” “decimal literals,” and “hexadecimal literals” as integer literals. 0b10011” and ‘0o12345670’ are the respective literals. (The displayed “19” and “2739128” are also literals.)

The following uses floating-point number literals and imaginary literals.

The following uses string literals. String literals must be enclosed in “single quotes” or “double quotes”. Failure to do so will result in an error.

Boolean literals are built-in constants. They look like strings, but do not need to be enclosed in “single quotes” or the like.

The following input checks the “type” of a literal. The type function of the “built-in functions” is used to check the “type“.

Built-in functions are functions that are provided with a programming language. Because they are prepared, you must know how to use them in order to use them.

That is all for this article.

「python」おすすめ書籍 ベスト3 | 現役エンジニア&プログラミングスクール講師「python」の学習でお勧めしたい書籍をご紹介しています。お勧めする理由としては、考え方、イメージなどを適切に捉えていること、「生のpython」に焦点をあてて解説をしている書籍であることなどが理由です。勿論、この他にも良い書籍はありますが、特に質の高かったものを選んで記事にしています。ページの下部には「おすすめのITスクール情報」「おすすめ求人サイト」について情報を掲載中。...



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「python」おすすめ書籍 ベスト3 | 現役エンジニア&プログラミングスクール講師

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