
Python(Part.27)| python【選択構造(match文)(2)】|  [Selection Structure] (match statement)(2)

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「match文」について復習する。(To review “match statement”.)
「ORパターン」について理解する(To understand OR Patterns.)
「Asパターン」について理解する(To understand AS Patterns.)
「クラスパターン」について理解する(To understand Class Patterns.)
「ガード」について理解する(To understand Guards.)

詳しくはこちら:PEP 634 – Structural Pattern Matching: Specification

Structural Pattern Matching (match statement)


The “match statement” is similar to the “switch statement” in other programming languages, but it includes sequences such as “lists” and “tuples” among the objects that can be pattern matched. Furthermore, patterns in the type and number of attributes of objects can also be used for branching.

Selection structure (match statement)

Review of basic control structures

What is basic control structure


  1. 「順次構造」…プログラムを書かれた順番で実行します。
  2. 「選択構造」…条件の成立・不成立によって実行するプログラムを選択します。
  3. 「反復構造」…条件の成立・不成立によって実行するプログラムを反復します。

Among the “control structures,” there are three basic structures: sequential, selective, and repetitive. These are called “basic control structures” and have the following structure.

  1. Sequential structure: Programs are executed in the order in which they are written.
  2. Selective structure: The program is selected to be executed according to whether the condition is satisfied or not.
  3. Iterative structure: The program to be executed is iterated according to whether the condition is satisfied or not.

Description of “match statement” and its movement

Description of “match statement”


The “match statement” is described as follows. Although not shown in the illustration below, “_ (underscore)” is used to specify “other objects” as the object to be compared.

The “match statement” in python allows you to compare numbers, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, classes, etc.

【English translation of captcha】
→Objects to be pattern matched
→Contents of object being compared

「match」の動き(4)/ The “match” movement (4)

If the variable “Objects_to_be_pattern_matched” is set to a value to be compared within a case, the corresponding block is processed. Multiple objects can be set by using “|”.

Objects_to_be_pattern_matched = "autumn"

match Objects_to_be_pattern_matched:
    case "spring":
        print('It\'s spring.')
    case "summer":
        print('It\'s summer.')
    case "autumn" | "fall":
        print('It\'s autumn (fall).')
    case "winter":
        print('It\'s winter.')

Execution result: When the variable “Objects_to_be_pattern_matched” is “autumn” or “fall”.

It is possible to have multiple objects by using “|” after “case”. This is called an “OR patterns” and this block will be processed if any of the specified values apply.

「match」の動き(5)/ The “match” movement (5)

The AS pattern can be used to bind an object (including literals, etc.) after the “case” to a variable specified after the “as”.

Objects_to_be_pattern_matched = "autumn"

match Objects_to_be_pattern_matched:
    case "spring" as season:
    case "summer" as season:
    case "autumn" | "fall" as season:
    case "winter" as season:

Execution result: When the variable “Objects_to_be_pattern_matched” is “autumn”.

case の後にオブジェクト(リテラルなどを含む)を設定し、更にその後に「as 変数名」として、オブジェクトをasの後に指定した変数にバインドするものを「ASパターン」と呼びます。
An object (including literals, etc.) is set after “case”, followed by “as variable name” and the object is bound to the variable specified after “as” is called the “AS patterns“.

「match」の動き(6)/ The “match” movement (6)

The class pattern can be used to compare and match the attributes that an instance has.

class Season:

    in_what_season: str

    def __init__(self, in_what_season: str) -> None:
        self.in_what_season = in_what_season

season = Season("Spring")

match season:
    case Season(in_what_season = "Winter"):
        print('It\'s winter.')
    case Season(in_what_season = "Spring"):
        print('It\'s spring.')
    case Season(in_what_season = "Summer"):
        print('It\'s summer.')
    case Season(in_what_season = "Autumn"):
        print('It\'s autumn.')

実行結果:インスタンスが「season = Season(“Spring”)」のとき。
Execution result: When the instance is “season = Season(”Spring“)”.

A “Class patterns” is a matching pattern for instances of a class by comparing the attributes of the instances.

「match」の動き(7)/ The “match” movement (7)

The “class pattern” can also be used for instances of the class after inheritance.

class Season:

    in_what_season: str

    def __init__(self, in_what_season: str) -> None:
        self.in_what_season = in_what_season

season = Season("Spring")

class Month (Season):

    in_what_month: int

    def __init__(self, in_what_season: str, in_what_month: int) -> None:

        self.in_what_month = in_what_month

month = Month("Spring", 4)

match month:
    case Month(in_what_season = "Winter", in_what_month = 12 | 1 | 2 as month_num):
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s winter.'.format(month_num))
    case Month(in_what_season = "Spring", in_what_month = 3 | 4 | 5 as month_num):
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s spring.'.format(month_num))
    case Month(in_what_season = "Summer", in_what_month = 6 | 7 | 8 as month_num):
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s summer.'.format(month_num))
    case Month(in_what_season = "Autumn", in_what_month = 9 | 10 | 11 as month_num):
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s autumn.'.format(month_num))

Execution result

When multiple arguments are used during instantiation, it is possible to specify them as positional arguments instead of specifying values with named arguments.

このためにはクラスの中で「 __match_args__」を利用して引数に指定した値を、値の入力順に対して、その引数の名前をマッチングさせる設定を行います。
To do this, use “__match_args__” in the class to set the values specified as arguments to match the names of the arguments against the input order of values.

This is also implicitly done by adding “@dataclass” to the class.

This requires that the argument values be treated as a tuple. It is not available when the number of arguments is one.

Rewrite the above program as follows

class Season:

    in_what_season: str

    def __init__(self, in_what_season: str) -> None:
        self.in_what_season = in_what_season

season = Season("Spring")

class Month (Season):

    __match_args__ = ("in_what_season", "in_what_month")

    in_what_month: int

    def __init__(self, in_what_season: str, in_what_month: int) -> None:

        self.in_what_month = in_what_month

month = Month("Spring", 4)

match month:
    case Month("Winter", 12 | 1 | 2 as month_num):
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s winter.'.format(month_num))
    case Month("Spring", 3 | 4 | 5 as month_num):
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s spring.'.format(month_num))
    case Month("Summer", 6 | 7 | 8 as month_num):
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s summer.'.format(month_num))
    case Month("Autumn", 9 | 10 | 11 as month_num):
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s autumn.'.format(month_num))

This will produce the same results as the previous run.

Execution result

「match」の動き(8)/ The “match” movement (8)

The match statement uses if statements for the attributes and literals of the objects used by the case, and allows detailed conditions to be set.

month = 8
match month:
    case month if 1 <= month <= 2 or month == 12:
        print('Iit\'s winter.')
    case month if 3 <= month <= 5:
        print('It\'s spring.')
    case month if 6 <= month <= 8:
        print('It\'s summer.')
    case month if 9 <= month <= 11:
        print('It\'s autumn.')

Execution Result

The use of if statements for the attributes and literals of the objects used by the “case” to set detailed conditions is called “Guards“.

The use of guards for class pattern attributes is as follows.

class Season:

    in_what_season: str

    def __init__(self, in_what_season: str) -> None:
        self.in_what_season = in_what_season

season = Season("Spring")

class Month (Season):

    __match_args__ = ("in_what_season", "in_what_month")

    in_what_month: int

    def __init__(self, in_what_season: str, in_what_month: int) -> None:

        self.in_what_month = in_what_month

month = Month("Spring", 4)

match month:
    case Month("Winter", int(in_what_month)) if 1 <= in_what_month <= 2 or in_what_month == 12:
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s winter.'.format(in_what_month))
    case Month("Spring", int(in_what_month)) if 3 <= in_what_month <= 5:
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s spring.'.format(in_what_month))
    case Month("Summer", int(in_what_month)) if 6 <= in_what_month <= 8:
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s summer.'.format(in_what_month))
    case Month("Autumn", int(in_what_month)) if 9 <= in_what_month <= 11:
        print('It\'s the {}th month of year and it\'s autumn.'.format(in_what_month))

Execution Result

That’s all for this time.

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