
Version Control Git (Part1-Part.11) [Git (Part.10)] | Renaming and deleting files/directories in Git-managed directory

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Version Control (Parts 12-21) [GitHub (Part 1)] articles are available on Amazon kindle Unlimited (e-book).

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Objectives of Chapter 10

Understand how to rename files/directories within Git-managed directory.
Understand how to delete files within a Git-managed directory.
Understand how to delete directories within Git-managed directory.

Commands used in this book.
Understand and be able to use the “git mv” command.
Understand and be able to use the “git rm” command.
Understand and be able to use the “-r” option of the “git rm” command.

Manipulate files in Git-managed Directory (Preparation)

Add materials from Explorer to a Git-managed directory

Add materials from Explorer to a Git-managed directory

Move the folder containing the images to be used in howahowaSite from Explorer to the Git-managed directory.

In this book, we created a “gazou” folder on the desktop. In this folder, we prepared some free materials. (Figure below: Contents of the “gazou” folder)

In this document, the directories you create and move around in Windows are called a “folder”, but in Git Bush the same thing is called a “directory”

※We use free materials that can be used for commercial purposes.

Drag and drop this “gazou” folder into the directory under Git management.

After moving the “gazou” folder, the Git-Managed Directory (howahowaSite directory) will look like this.

Check the status of the “gazou” folder (directory) and the files in it in Visual Studio Code. All files are “untracked”.

Add the “gazou” directory to the staging area.

Type “git add gazou”. The status of the directory and all image files will be “Added”.

Continue with the following operations

  1. Rename a file/directory within a Git-managed directory
  2. Delete a file within a Git-managed directory
  3. Delete a directory within a Git-managed directory

Manipulating files in Git-Managed Directory

Manipulating Files/Directories in Git-Managed Directory

Overview of “git mv” command and “git rm” command

When renaming or deleting files/directories within a directory under Git management, you need to “operate in the worktree” and “register in the staging area” at the same time (maintaining Git’s tracking).

The “git mv” or “git rm” commands perform these operations simultaneously.

Renaming Files in the Git-Managed Directory

How to use the “git mv” command

The “git mv” command is for moving files. It moves a file from <current location> to <new location>.

This move command can also be used to rename a file. Usage is written as <current location> to <another name in the same location as the current location>.

git mv <current filename><new filename>
git mv <current filename><destination filename>
Rename file to new name
Move file to destination
git mv <current directory name><new directory name>
git mv <current directory name><destination directory name>
Rename directory
Move directory to destination
git mv -n <current filename><new filename>
git mv -n <current directory name><new directory name>
※The “-n” option allows you to check the schedule of changes without making the actual change.
※The “n” option can also be used as “-dry-run” for the same operation.
View results after changes

Using the “git mv” command

Here, We will rename the “gazou” directory to the “images” directory. At first, use the option “-n” to confirm the result of the change. Once confirmed, we will rename the directory.

In “Git Bush”, type “git mv -n gazou images”.

After reviewing the contents, make the following changes.

In “Git Bush”, type “git mv gazou images”.

The status will remain “Added” and the directory name will change to “images”.

Delete files within the Git-Managed Directory

How to use the “git rm” command

git rm <filename>Delete file
git rm -n <filename>
※The “-n” option allows you to check the schedule of changes without making the actual change.
※The “n” option can also be used as “-dry-run” for the same operation.
View results after changes

We will now delete two “png files” in the “images” directory as an exercise.

The first is to use the option “-n” to confirm the result of the change (confirm the files to be deleted). Once confirmed, delete the files.

This time, since the files are already staged, add the option “-f (force)” to be used. (Without “-f”, an error will occur)

Using the “git rm” command

In “Git Bush”, type “git rm -nf images/woman-gad839684c_1280.png”.

Now that we have identified the file to be deleted, we will process the deletion.
Type the history (“↑” up on the keyboard) in “Git Bush”.

The “git rm -nf images/woman-gad839684c_1280.png” you just typed will appear, delete the “n” and press Enter.

The file “woman-gad839684c_1280.png” will be deleted from the “images” directory.

Delete directories within Git-Managed Directory

Option “-r” in the “git rm” command

git rm -r <directory name>Delete file
git rm -rn < directory name >
※The “-n” option allows you to check the schedule of changes without making the actual change.
※The “n” option can also be used as “-dry-run” for the same operation.
View results after changes

Next, delete the other “png file” in the “images” directory.

This time, after creating a directory called “bindir” in the “images” directory, move this file into it, and then delete the entire “bindir” directory.

Again, use the “-n” option to confirm the results of the change before deleting the file.

After confirmation, delete the file. When deleting, add “-f (force)” to the options. (Without “-f”, an error will occur).)

Use the “mkdir” command to create the directory.

In “Git Bush”, type “mkdir images/bindir”.

A “bindir” directory is created in the “images” directory.

Moving a file with the “mv” command

In “Git Bush”, type “git mv -n images/people-g8a34a9d74_1280.png images/bindir/people-g8a34a9d74_1280.png”. You will see the contents as follows.

Move the file.

In “Git Bush”, type “git mv images/people-g8a34a9d74_1280.png images/bindir/people-g8a34a9d74_1280.png”.

You can also see the result of the file being moved in Visual Studio Code’s Explorer.

Using the “-r” option of the “git rm” command

Delete the folder with the “-r” option to the git rm command.

To remove a directory, use the “-r” option. There are cases where a directory has more directories within it. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the deletion process recursively. The “-r” option specifies this recursive process.


Adding the “-f” option will force removal without warning.

In “Git Bush”, type “git rm -nrf images/bindir”. You will see that it has been removed.

In “Git Bush” type “git rm -rf images/bindir” to delete the directory.

You can also see the directory deletion in Visual Studio Code’s Explorer.

That’s all for this article. Next time, we will discuss .gitignore settings.

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