
Version Control Git (Part.22~Part.30)[GitHub(Part.24)]|Pull requests (re-requests)

Version Control (Part1-Part.11) [Git] articles are available on Amazon kindle Unlimited (e-book).

howahowablog.com will only be able to read Part.5/10/11.

Version Control (Parts 12-21) [GitHub (Part 1)] articles are available on Amazon kindle Unlimited (e-book).

Only part15/19 will be available on howahowablog.com.

Version Control (Part 21-Part.30) [GitHub (Part 2)] articles are available on Amazon kindle Unlimited (e-book).

Only Part.24/30 will be available on howahowablog.com.

Objectives of Chapter 24

Understand and perform GitHub pull request work.

Pull requests

In the previous chapter, we modified the file and pushed it to a remote repository. In this chapter, we will create a pull request for the pushed file.

Checking the remote repository(howahowamember side)

As in Chapter 1, access the remote repository (howahowablog account) with a browser. Again, access it from the collaborator’s howahowamember account to check the branch you have pushed. When you access it, you will see the following.


Immediately after pushing, “Compare & pull request” is displayed on the screen. After a period, this display will disappear. In that case, you will have to create a pull request from the “Pull requests” tab at the top of the page.

Creating pull requests(howahowamember side)

We request a marge work to have the “pull-request-E-001 branch” created in the remote repository merged into the “develop branch” in the same remote repository. (pull-request)

Click on “Compare & pull request”.

If the button disappears after some time from the push operation, you can create a pull request by clicking on “Pull request” in the menu tab. This time, we chose this way to create a pull request.

Clicking “Pull requests” tab, the request submission screen appear.

Click on the “New Pull Request” button.

The following screen appears. The areas where edits have been made are highlighted in green.

In the “Able to merge. These branches can be automatically merged.” field at the top, select “develop” for “base” and “pull-request-E-001” for “compare”.

This means that the “pull-request-E-001” that you have just pushed will be merged into “develop”.

Click on the “Create pull request” button.

The page changes as follows.

The Write section shows the commit message. Add your work and details here. It is easier to follow the content if the title or URL of the pull request is attached to the description.


却下されたプルリクエスト【Develop #2】について修正をしています。


【English translation of the text contents】

Correction work on rejected pull request [Develop #2].
URL: https://github.com/howahowablog/howahowaSite/pull/2

Work description.
Transition effects settings in ‘style.css’ which the tiled display section of the Top page have been set. In the HTML, the part related to line 45 onwards has been corrected. Specifically, it is a line of the ‘transition’ setting in line 144 of ‘style.css’.

After editing, it looks as follows.

When you have finished writing the description, click the “Create pull request” button.

When the button is clicked, the display changes to the following and a pull request is created.

After the pull request, the “Projects” item should be moved.

As in Chapter 1, wait for ‘approval’ or ‘rejection’.

That’s all for this article.

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