
Python(Part.2)|python development environment and execution

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Understand IDLE.
Be able to run python in interactive mode.

Python development environment

Python development environment

Python development environment

When writing a programme and developing a system, various mechanisms are required, including “a mechanism for writing the programming language”, “a mechanism for running the programme”, “a mechanism for checking the cause of errors” and “a mechanism for finding unintended movements (bugs) in the running programme”. In python as well, these mechanisms are required.

In python, tools (integrated development environment) such as Jupyter and pyCharm are available as a mechanism to do these things. In this article (Python (Part 2) | Python Development Environment and Execution), I will try to input and execute simple python using the integrated development environment called ‘IDLE’, which is included when ‘python’ is installed.

“IDE”: Abbreviation for ‘Integrated Development Environment’, a tool (software) that provides the necessary framework for development.

How to start up an IDLE

Click on the Windows Start menu.

Click on ‘All apps’.

Click on the installed ‘python’ directory to expand it. After expansion, click on the ‘IDLE’ that appears.

The ‘IDLE’ is activated.

interactive mode

As mentioned in the previous article on ‘interactive mode’, it refers to a mode in which python is executed as if it were a line-by-line dialogue using an ‘interactive shell (python console)’.

Running python using interactive mode

Once IDLE has been started, run the following program to find the area of a triangle.

Enter ’10’ in the variable ‘height’ and ’10’ in the variable ‘bottom’ and divide the result by 2. (Explanation of variables etc. is given in another issue).

Continue after the symbol >>> and enter “height = 10″.

Continue by entering “bottom = 10” after the new >>>.

Continue by entering “(hegiht * bottom) / 2” after the >> >.

After the last calculation ((hegiht * bottom) / 2), the execution result appears as “50.0” without the “>>>” and the “>>>” appears again on the next line.

Previously, the ‘Interactive Shell’ was started from the ‘Command Prompt’. This time, a similar mode of execution was performed from IDLE.

That’s all for this time.

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